Saturday, May 4, 2024

Boating Recipes for the Small Galley


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Tote to the Boat Recipe of the Week
Shanghai Spaghetti Salad

    Make this easy recipe a day or two ahead, keep it chilled and serve it cold on a hot summer day at anchor. (Don’t forget to bring a spaghetti claw for easier serving.) 

1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 teaspoon lemon zest
2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil
1 teaspoon each brown sugar and dry mustard powder
1/3 cup vegetable oil

6 servings spaghetti, linguini or fettuccine
3 cups diced, cooked chicken, ham or tuna
1 bunch scallions, sliced thin
2 cups thin-sliced celery
½ cup minced parsley, cilantro or mixture
Toasted sesame seeds

    Whisk dressing ingredients and set aside. Cook and drain pasta according to package directions. Lightly toss with dressing and remaining ingredients. Chill. Sprinkle with sesame seeds just before serving. 

    Canned and packaged foods are good boating insurance. Even a day sail can turn into a longer-than-planned, hungry and even life-threatening adventure. For a book on provisioning a boat with familiar, affordable pantry foods from the supermarket see Survival Food Handbook, published by International Marine division of McGraw-Hill.




Pantry Recipe of the Week
    Whether you are provisioning your boat or prepping at home for the next power outage, it’s wise to have a pantry filled with shelf-stable foods plus  recipes to make the best of them. Come back each week for a new recipe that requires no fresh ingredients.

Brazil Nut Rice Pilaf
    Bold, meaty and toothsome, Brazil nuts add a new dimension to the same ol’ rice pilaf. The rice can be brown or white, cooked from scratch or from a ready-serve pouch.


 1 packet orange Emergen-C
½ cup water
2 tablespoons dried onion bits
½ cup golden raisins
1 cup (or more to taste) coarsely chopped Brazil nuts
3 cups cooked rice
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
½ teaspoon each celery salt and crumbled, dried rosemary

    Dissolve Emergen-C in the half cup of water and soak the raisins and onion bits.
In a large skillet, heat oil. Frazzle nuts in hot oil until they are fragrant. Stir in rice, celery salt and rosemary to heat through. Stir in soaked onion and raisins with any remaining liquid. Cover and cook over low heat until everything is heated through. Serves 6 to 8 as a side dish, 3 to 5 as a main dish.  

Do you keep a pocketful of comforting snacks when you’re on night watch or spending long hours on the flybridge? See recipes for healthy, homemade gorp, some sweet and some savory at  

Tips for the Galley Chef

* To remove corn silk, wear rubber gloves or run a damp paper towel over the ear.
    * Parboil wursts and sausages 6 to 8 minutes. Excess fat will float away and the sausages won’t crack when grilled.

    * Add a creamier taste to pancake batter or pumpkin pie. Whisk in 2-3 tablespoons of powdered creamer.       

    * Do your cake layers skate and shift? Quickly add fillings between layers and run a couple of strands of dry spaghetti as “shafts” through the cake to keep layers in place until frosting hardens. Don’t forget to remove them.

        * Cook and drain carrots and fold in a little sugar and horseradish. Butter optional.
    * When flouring chicken for frying in hot fat, add some powdered milk to the flour. Chicken will brown faster.

Galley Recipe of the Week
    A robust red wine turns this peasant dish into a gourmet vegan meal. If you like, mMake it meatier with cooked, crumbled meat, poultry or meat substitute.  


Lentils Burgundy
Large onion, diced
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

14.5-ounce can of sliced or diced carrots, drained
2 cans condensed lentil soup
1 soup can water
1 cup or to taste dry red wine
1 bay leaf
½ teaspoon each dried thyme and dried marjoram
1/4 cup raw rice
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1/4 stick butter or vegan substitute 

    Stir-fry the onion in hot oil. When it’s limp, stir in carrots to brown them. Stir in soup, water, wine and herbs. Bring to a boil. Stir in rice, cover and cook over low heat 20-40  minutes  until rice is tender. In a small skillet, brown bread crumbs in butter and sprinkle over each portion. Serves 4.
    Pressure cooker method: Brown onion in hot oil in a pressure cooker, adding carrots. Add soup, water, wine, bacon bits, seasonings and rice. Bring to full pressure, then remove from the burner until pressure returns to normal. Sprinkle with buttered bread crumbs. 

See more galley-ready recipes at

Spanish Corned Beef Hash

    If there isn’t a can or two of “bully beef” in your food locker, you aren’t properly provisioned for sea, says this old salt. In a pinch, a can of corned beef can be stretched to feed multitudes. 

1 tablespoon vegetable oil
Large onion, diced
Small green pepper, diced
2 to 3 cans diced potatoes, drained and rinsed
12-to -14-ounce can corned beef, trimmed of excess fat
8-ounce can tomato sauce
1 teaspoon adobo seasoning
1/4 cup dry red Spanish wine if you have some
Hot sauce

    Sizzle the onion and pepper in hot oil, gradually adding potatoes to brown them. Add corned beef and keep stir-frying over high heat to break it up. Add tomato sauce, seasoning and wine.  Pass hot sauce at the table.

What's new for the worldwide cruising sailor? See news, views and cues from Farley Halladay, author of the Yacht Yenta e-book mysteries, at


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